Tech Cub offers fully funded courses from industry giants. Ranging from 3/12 months, designed to make a big impact on your future. Our simplified learning & mentoring support ensures everyone can land a job in the high-demand tech space.
Our expert guidance accompanies you at every step. Our training courses feature robust online support and dedicated learner journey professionals committed to providing the most enhanced experience. Plus study at the flexibility of your own pace, anytime.
Our purpose-driven approach involves industry-recognised courses that equip you with job-ready skills, addressing market demands and elevating your employability.
Tech Cub boasts an outstanding success rate, with 85.9% of learners advancing into further education or employment, and an impressive 93% expressing willingness to recommend our services.
Tech Cub collaborates with top UK employment agencies to enhance placement opportunities. Our innovative Matching and CV writing tools tailor each candidate's skills to job requirements, ensuring personalised cover letters for the most favorable positions.
Don't miss out on the chance to see what's in it for you!
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We've recieved your message to join the Tech Cub Launch Conference in 2024. We will be in touch soon! with more details!
Cyber Security
Artificial Intelligence
Cloud Engineering
Coding for the web/Python
Data Engineering
Software Development
Starting salary £55k+ or contract roles £450 per day
£650-750 per day
£100k starting salaries or £700 per day contract roles
Starting salaries £45k+
Starting salaries circa £70k+
You just need to find out how to get to them
Tech Cub welcomes everyone, regardless of
age or background. There's no restrictions. Whether you're a
beginner or seasoned enthusiast, we have services suitable for you.
Balancing Family & responsibilities?
We'll give you a Fastrack roadmap into Tech, designed for busy lives & to achieve financial freedom, be it a career, freelance or entrepreneurial route.
Stuck in a Dead-End Job?
We'll signpost you into short Tech certifications, get you hands on experience & transform the opportunities you see in no time.
Young & looking for that breakthrough?
Our AI tools support us in understanding your aspirations, help us better mentor you so you're prepared for that breakthrough.
It's time to get you on your way, get into Tech fast!
We're providing support in cyber security, data protection, automation, AI, IT, cloud, data analytics, networking, social media, marketing & more...
Learn the fastest growing computer language in the world.
We're giving a free devices to each participant!
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Thank you for contacting us about the Python Intensive program in 2024.
We will get back to you as soon as possible to let you know if you have secured a spot!
— A cub
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We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Tech Cub Group C.I.C
Unit 3, 61 Princelet Street
London, E1 5LP
Tel: 0203 576 4098
Company Number: 15186173